Saturday, January 24, 2009

Porovnanie zahraničných Ikea cien pomocou rozšírenia do Firefoxu

Ako už médiá viackrát písali, ceny v slovenskom obchodnom dome IKEA sú často vyššie ako v okolitých štátoch. Praktickejšie ako rozhorčovnie sa alebo skúmanie príčin, je ceny si pohodlne porovnať pomocou rozšírenia do Firefoxu "Compare Ikea prices" a potom sa rozhodnúť, kde je výhodnejšie nakúpiť. Rozšírenie sa dá stiahnuť aj na bez registrovania sa.

pošli na

Po nainštalovaní rozšírenia treba ísť do nastavení v Tools menu...

...kliknúť na "Compare Ikea prices..."

...zaškrtnúť prvé horné políčko "Enable price comparing"...

...a po obnovení webstránky Ikea sa začnú zobrazovať cenové rozdiely vo vybraných okolitých krajinách:

Ak namiesto cenového rozdielu chceme vidieť celú cenu, stačí v nastaveniach odškrtnúť políčko "Display price difference (instead of the absolute price)"

Po obnovení stránky sa ceny budú ukazovať celé:

Na záver niekoľko príkladov:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Version 0.7 with Ikea-on-multiple-tabs fix

New version 0.7 is available on and It includes a fix of a bug when there were multiple Firefox tabs opened with Ikea products and the product search page is now also processed. There is a new icon, too.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We knew that austrian Ikea is cheaper even 4 years ago

According to an old article from daily SME "IKEA má všade iné ceny, na Slovensku vyššie" (October 7, 2004) it was known more than 4 years ago that slovak Ikea is more expensive that the austrian one. The article compares the prices of a bunk bed and is followed by a short but heated discussion.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New version 0.6 released

New version 0.6 can be downloaded from is currently down. You can define 10 Ikea stores / countries now and choose whether you want the prices to be rounded to Euros or if you want to see the whole price or just the relative difference.

EDIT: download link on works again, but you have to register there because the addon is still in an experimental sandbox.

Get me out of the sandbox

Please help me get out of the experimental sandbox by testing the Compare Ikea prices addon and posting a short review to Thank you!

While the addon is in a sandbox, people must register on in order to download the addon :(

Monday, January 19, 2009

New version 0.5 released

New version of Compare Ikea prices Firefox extension is available together with a new download site: should work too, although you have to register there to download it because it's still in their "sandbox".

Version 0.5 fixes the problem with select-box(es) on a product page and a relative price difference is displayed instead of the actual price. The actual price is still available in a tooltip together with a conversion to SKK (1 EUR = 30.1260 SKK)

Planned future enhancements:
- switching between displaying absolute price and relative difference in options
- possibility to choose different bank websites for the exchange rates
- possibility to set a different "home currency" than SKK

Slovak Ikea 2003: "prices 15% lower" - really?

6 years ago slovak Ikea claimed their prices are 10 - 15% lower. I don't know about 2003, but this year most slovak prices of Ikea products are more than 15% higher, some even two times as expensive as in Austria, Poland and Czech Republic.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Compare Ikea prices Firefox extension

Compare Ikea prices Firefox addon (extension) displays prices from Ikea stores in other countries and converts them to Euros. Works for most Eurozone countries.

After installing it has to be turned on by checking an "Enable price comparing" checkbox in Tools > Compare Ikea prices...

Product pages with selectboxes (especially two or more of them) don't work perfectly yet. If you encounter any other issues, please let me know.

Different Ikea prices in Slovakia and Austria

Euro odkrylo, že naša IKEA je drahá
- article from slovak daily SME about different prices in slovak and austrian Ikea stores

Porovnávali sme ceny: V Rakúsku nakúpite lacnejšie
- similar article from slovak daily CAS about price differences in Slovakia and Austria

Porovnanie: Ikea zarába na Slovákoch najviac!?
- article and video about expensive Ikea products in Slovakia